Originally Posted by mwilliamshs
Do you mean a hitch or an actual equipment package? It matters. Lots and lots of folks these days refer to a hitch and trailer light wiring as having a towing package but in most cases the two differ significantly.
It's appears to be an OEM equipment package rated to pull 11,000-lbs.
They did all the wiring,provided for trailer brakes 'n such.There's an auxiliary transmission cooler and heavy duty cooling system.The brakes will stop John's 15,000 lbs no problem,with zero trailer brakes.It has full-synthetic lubes all around.
With the turbos,the torque curve is really flat,if you spank the go-pedal,she just pulls away like Teflon'd lightning,empty or loaded.
John has the auto-slider 5th-wheel hitch and capture-plate adapter.