Thread hijack...
So NoD~ I thought your brake lights were cool and I bought the same ones off Amazon. But today I noticed some electrical issues while driving, and as it turns out a my brake light fuse was blown. When I inspected my brake lights I found this:
One of my brake lights evidently short circuited and set on fire and broke at its base. The wiring harness also got melted a little bit. If you notice your brake lights aren't working and you've got a blown fuse, check the lights, one of them might have melted.
In other news, I got a Scan Gauge finally, and I'm using it to look at engine temperature. My water temperature gets to about 195°F pretty fast (within 3 miles usually) and simply stays there when I'm driving. I once saw 202°F going up a big a hill in 3rd, and when I'm coasting it might go down to 193°F but those are the operating temps. If you haven't checked your engine thermostat or to see if the rad fan is always on it might be worth it.