[/QUOTE] Maybe the driver only method would work if the sun was always on your left while driving and while parked and the rear side window was otherwise blocked from the sun. Just seems implausible.
My best local quote is $110 for 5 window... [/QUOTE]
For reference I drive Mon-Fri, 140mi per day with the sun on my direct left so it is plausible. That's 2-2.333hr/day of direct sun light through my driver's window. It was so bad after about a month my left arm is much darker than my right arm.
That quote isn't bad. What city? What tint? I want to tint out the rest with standard tint once i fix the track of the other windows better.
"I feel like the bad decisions come into play when you trade too much of your time for money paying for things you can't really afford."