yours looks great! that's actually the first picture I've seen of one. I have thought of doing a kamm back or boat tail, but 1. I don't know how and 2. I don't know how much that would cut my visibility out the back window. I have seen the small window spoilers and was thinking that might count as a small kamm back? idk. The underbelly pan I want to try and the smooth wheel covers I know I can do. It looks like I'm best off finding a really light weight 15 inch wheel compaired to upgrading the size and looks. I want to do the smooth covers that are hub caps. I really don't want to have to drill into the rim and all. Does anyone know if there are wheels lighter weight than the steel wheels that come stock? Now, the rear wheel skirts, is there any easy way to fabricate those? I have no idea how to mount them without drilling into the body of the car which I really won't do.