Rustylugnut.....You need desperately to explain something to me. We have to assume that by adding 1 part in 100 to the fuel stream, (I'm just guessing that you are disassociating a quart of water for every 25 gallons of gas) that it is going to be exceedingly difficult increase the efficiency of the ICE. You can talk flame fronts and hydrogen seeding till yer blue in the face, but Gasoline IS HYDROGEN!! It isn't some sorta nerfgas, it is hydrogen loosely attached to carbon, that's it. The air is 21% oxygen, so when you add tiny amounts of hydrogen and oxygen that you have disassociated on board your car, you are really only adding a modicum of fuel to the stream.
Now it stands to reason that if it takes more energy to split the hydrogen and oxygen than you can get by recombining them....just alone! You can't get more energy when you recombine no matter what. And since an engine is 30% efficient, and an alternator is like 70% efficient, you only are getting 1 watt of energy in electricity for every 5 needed in fuel to power you hydrogen diffusing apparatus.
How the hell are you supposed to see any efficiency gain whatsoever when it takes 5 times the amount of energy to create the minuscule amount of extra fuel that requires 80% more energy to take apart than can be derived by burning it in your engine?
Where is your disconnect from reality here? Seriously, if you cannot explain how you are supposed to overcome these very basic principles of physics than you need to just go away and quit posting nonsensical drivel.
Numbers Rusty, show us numbers about where this magical energy comes from to improve a vehicles combustion enough to see any improvement at all when you are starting from a 5 to 1 energy deficit at the outset. How do you go from 5 to 1 to improvement? Tell us where the 500% efficiency gain is JUST TO BREAK-EVEN? Then explain where the 10,000% gains in efficiency are produced by adding tiny amounts of hydrogen and oxygen to the engines fuel stream which might be seen as an actual small improvement in MPG by someone who is very carefully testing their mileage?
Fact is you can't, because physics won't allow you to get more energy out of a system than you put into it, unless you're talking about nuclear power, which you clearly are not.
And by numbers you need to provide volumetric data on hydrogen produced and added to the fuel stream along with the volume of fuel in the form of gasoline on a like basis. Then explain what fantastic phenomena occurs at these volumes, which you are able to produce, that create so much extra energy. And tell me how much electric current/power is required to produce this hydrogen, and run that back through the alternator and engine to see how much fuel is required to generate the electricity that creates the hydrogen from water.
Here's a handy link to the Wiki page on the electrolysis of water to help you get a start.
Here's another handy link to determine the megajoules of energy in a gallon of gasoline (you'll need to know that in order to figure out it'll take at least 1.5 gallons of gas to perform electrolysis on a quart of water.)