Originally Posted by redpoint5
I avoid the sun as much as possible.
Tastes differ, but from my point of view, that would be a pretty miserable way to live :-(
Have you ever tried line drying?
Yes, I seldom do anything else. 'Seldom' as the last time I used my dryer was one maybe 4 or 5 years ago, when we had what seemed like a couple of weeks of continual rain (AKA "Pineapple Express").
It fades cloths in just a few dryings. I remember having a hot pink shirt as a kid in the 80s, and it turned into a light pink in a matter of weeks when summer came and my mom started using the line.
You sure it was the line drying, and not the bleach your mom put in the wash? I can't say that I've ever noticed much fading myself, but then my taste runs more to lighter colors anyway.