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Old 07-01-2016, 09:11 PM   #232 (permalink)
Bill the Engineer
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Got the steering column added to the AutoCAD layout and discovered that there isn't enough room for the Prius v brake pedal system AND the Prius v steering column under the old Firebird dash panel. Well darn...

Onward to Plan B then! What WILL fit is the Firebird brake pedal assembly in its original position and the Prius v brake pedal assembly in ITS original positin. I will be adding a 4-bar kinkage link between them. Fortunately, I taught the college course on linkage design for 8 years, so making one that does exactly what I want it to won't be tough. The Prius v pedal iteslf and the lower arm will be removed below the link so that nothing can fall against it and jam the pedal.

Where there's a William, there's a way.

Bill the Engineer
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