My jaunts out to west Texas have led to an observation.
(1) It's really windy there (i.e. wind farms).
(2) The posted speed limit is 75-mph.
On any given day,traffic may be driving 75-mph into a 25-mph headwind.
Below is a road load horsepower I extrapolated for a 1991 Honda Accord sedan.
It's a little womper-jawed but the data in accurate.( I could use a drafting table)
If you look at,say,the horsepower required at 100-km/hr vs 100-mph,you get an idea of the energy penalty from the geometric growth of aerodynamic drag (the area in yellow).
If we can legally drive in 100-mph air,we might want to reconsider the importance of body shape.Especially when you see American Quarter Horse Association Members pulling their horse trailers,with hay bales on the roof, at 100-mph.