Originally Posted by Johnny Mullet
The "Kentucky Chrome" looks real nice when it is first applied, but after time it dulls and fades to an almost white color. I would go with white.
Haha, around here, we call it Brocton Chrome, as in Brocton, NY-- the most ass-backwards of ass-backwards rural hell holes.
To add to the discussion, I had really good results pulsing the AC on recirculate last weekend-- I got 37mpg, my best tank yet, despite a lot of highway miles. Of course, I've also been neutral coasting more, and EOC'ing slightly more, to that helps too. I also did a lot of idling while trying to revive and jump my girlfriend's Chrysler (it's as big as a whale!), so I probably could have done better, actually.
I run the AC on recirc until it's comfortably cool, then turn it off, with the fan still running. When I start to get warm again, I turn it back on.