The expansion ratio of gasoline when it turns to vapor is around 150:1... Therefore if you had your gas so hot that it was vapor, you'd need so much vapor that there would not be any room for air!
Another fact to consider is that most injectors spray right at the back side of the valve. which, in a running engine is extremely HOT, therefore it gets vaporized anyways. Higher pressure, with shorter and later timed injector pulses could possibly help get the fuel in without displacing as much air. maybe the opposite of vaporising it!
You'd be better off focusing on increasing the compression ratio with a very tight and well designed quench/swirl. In order to get the most out of the fuel that is already going into the motor. think quality of combustion, not quantity.
Have you ever taken a water hose and spun a bike tire or a pinwheel? the hose doesn't do much if you point it right at the side. You need to put the water flow with the rotation! modern engines, and some crafty racers from bygone times figured out that you need to aim your combustion as well to get the most out of it.