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Old 07-22-2016, 04:18 AM   #31 (permalink)
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Red 2000 Insight (2017 through 2019) - '00 Honda Insight 5MT
90 day: 64.72 mpg (US)

Red 2000 Lithium Insight (2020) - '00 Honda Insight LTO
90 day: 71.76 mpg (US)
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Looks like the ECM does think the new slow pulse means the car is basically stopped. I got a P0500 today when using the switch, this is an error saying the VSS is messed up. Today I learned that in the Insight you get this when you're getting IMA regen or assist and the VSS reads a very low (or 0) speed. I had pressed the button when I was getting regen from braking which would throw the code.

Basically the ECM thinks, "VSS says the car is too slow for regen or assist, but regen//assist is occuring, therefore the VSS is broken."

This has implications for how to use the switch. I'll get to test some ideas tomorrow.

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