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Old 07-24-2016, 11:58 AM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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vehicle for tall driver

Here's the whole deal, I went form almost no commute to a just under 30 mile commute. Been driving a chevy venture van and getting 20-25 mpg. Looks like the headgasket is going at 180k. So I'm looking for something with decent gas mileage, that can be modded to get even better. My problem is i'm six five, i'm fairly balanced as that height is divided evenly between legs and back. But my main problem is i do have some back/hip issues. I can't have a vehicle that sits low to the ground. I also have some carpal tunnel issues so a manual is iffy depending on the vehicle. my drive is half hills, half flat. Any ideas on vehicles to look at would be appreciated. Am on a pretty tight budget at the moment. Older cars are fine, i do alot of maintanence on my own vehicles.

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