Water vapor?
So, I've been doing some reading and talking, and it's been suggested I hook up a water vapor system on my car... Being that it's construction is simple(and cheap), I'm considering it...
From what I understand, take a tank half full of water(or maybe water/methanol), run an air hose to a submerged aquarium bubbler, apply vacuum at the top... The vacuum will bubble the water and your engine will inhale vapor... I've heard claims from better cooling to better mileage...
Would such a setup do anything for FE at all without tuning(the vapor would allow much more timing in theory which is good for both power and FE)?
Given that this system is basically a vacuum leak (can skew air/fuel mix given that it's measured with MAF), would it be safe to plumb it into the intake manifold? Or air intake tube?
My current Ecotec project...
My last Ecotec project...