I went back and got the blue wakeboard control arm at the top of the pile shown at Permalink 68. Carrying it home on my bike I found that if the front fitting is 3" above the front forks then my arms go through those yellow straps and it rests on my hip and overhangs the rear wheel by ~3-4".
So by the time the weather turns I can have a swivel mount so it will swing up and forward for ingress/egress or to one side for stowage. Then I can Gorilla glue a bicycle helmet inside a poncho and wrap the free edge around the aluminum teardrop frame and trim and fasten it. The corners of the poncho would stick though the yellow straps and in sharp turns I'll have to curl my wrist around the frame on the inside handlebar.
So I guess I'll have to buy a few more to make the aluminum framed boat tail my Superbeetle deserves.