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Old 07-31-2016, 11:39 PM   #35 (permalink)
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Clutch toggle affects the light. Brake can be depressed or released without changing the light.

I finally had success.

Basically, as seen above, I abandoned the 555 timer in favour of a clone of an Arduino Nano. I have a bunch of them lying around. With this I wrote a very simple program for it to generate a square wave at exactly 2 hz, which corresponds with about a 1mph VSS signal. Right now it is hooked to the big pcb, but that's all redundant. I'll wire the arduino straight to the +5v and the ground wires, bypassing that board. Pin A1 on the arduino is the square wave output.

Current functionality:
- Warm engine up
- Achieve speed or location (like top of a hill) where you want to EOC
- Put shifter into neutral
- Press switch to send the square wave to the ECM
- Auto Stop occurs after about 2 seconds.

This is exactly what I was hoping for. Now I can EOC wherever I want without the stupid christmas tree lights.

The next step for me is to fashion a more ergonomic switch. Right now it's just the small sliding SPST switch seen in OP. Any ideas about this? On the shifter would be nice but I want it to be minimalist. Maybe a foot pedal would work. I love my brake switch on the steering wheel, it's unobtrusive and easy to press.
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Daox (10-03-2016), Ecky (08-01-2016), MetroMPG (09-22-2016), t vago (08-02-2016), Xist (07-31-2016)