Originally Posted by redpoint5
When you find a coroner that lists global warming, or over-population as a cause of death, I'll put your tin hat on. 
Maybe because coroners list only the immediate cause, not the cause of the cause. If people die from a heat wave, they list heat stroke, not considering that the heat wave was caused by global warming. If some nutcase runs over 50 people with a truck, the cause of death is listed as blunt force trauma, not considering that the nut couldn't have run over that many people if they weren't crowded together in an urban area.
Working from sun up until sun down, people could usually produce just a little more than they needed.
Whereas nowadays lots of people work in a cubicle from sunup to well past sundown, barely keeping up (if that) with their credit card interest :-)
Also, the idea that pre-mechanized farmers worked sunup to sundown all of the year is just wrong. You work hard during planting and harvest, other times there's not a lot to do.
Communication has connected all corners of the earth, so we are cooperating at an unprecedented level...
Yeah, so the jihadists can cooperate to launch attacks worldwide, instead of being limited by how far horses &c can travel :-)
But all this is rather beside the point. After all, if you inherit wealth, you can have a high old time spending it without working, until it runs out. Indeed - to get back to the subject - you could draw a pretty good analogy to that Tesla occupant (not driver, 'cause he wasn't), who probably thought everything was going just great, until suddenly it wasn't :-)