The shuttle bus mileage estimate comes from people who have purchased them for use with handicapped family, not from fleet bus usage. It is, no doubt highway mileage of a mostly empty bus of the shorter type.
My mileage estimates were based more on my own driving expectations for this trip. It makes little sense for me to calculate people's commute mileage when I will be highway driving. My driving (me, wife, and young son) would be mostly smaller highways since I enjoy seeing the sights. I have little interest in cities and on interstates I drive no more than 60 (65 if I feel pushed by traffic). I have been toying with similar designs for a Mitsubishi Fuso as well, which would have the added benefit of extra space. Yes, this van design might get cramped at times. We will probably stay in a hotel once every couple weeks just to stretch our legs. After the year I will probably give the vehicle to my parents who love traveling.