Originally Posted by jamesqf
You know, I'm having a real problem trying to decide whether this post is serious, or a satiric comment on suburban life. Either way, it's sad. IIRC, the OP is not exactly flush with money, yet has bought expensive electric devices (and is considering buying more) to do a job which can be done better, faster, and cheaper - and without subjecting himself and his neighbors to unpleasant noise levels - with a simple hand tool.
No, your mom's face is sad.
Xist rightly points out the folly of trying to save money when investing in a[n][ cheap] electric tool. I think the post should have been in Saving@Home, but [I guess] traffic and reasons.
What is being discussed is light-years beyond what I experience on my bicycle going past dental clinics and others using commercial landscapers. They use gas powered blowers to move everything into the street so it's someone else's problem. And you can hear the motor
screaming for 2 blocks.
My personal favorite landscaping tool is the grass whip
Adequate replacement for a string trimmer. I keep mine sharp enough to cut grass with a 3" stroke.
For blackberries: gloves and a scythe.