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Old 08-18-2016, 10:10 PM   #49 (permalink)
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Okay I've got the wheels turning here...

- DPDT relay on your brakes, so when brake is depressed (or you press a brake switch) the relay is activated.
-- One side of the relay takes clutch switch and opens the circuit (so you get regen)
-- Other side of the relay sends a 5v signal from the VCC pin on the arduino to another unused pin
- Now the arduino knows when the brake is being pressed

- VSS goes to a pin on the arduino instead of a switch
- Pin A1 on arduino goes to the ECM (as in current setup)
- Another connection is made to the shifter, that determines when shifter is in neutral
- When shifter is in neutral use a relay to send +5v from Arduino VCC to another pin
- Now Arduino knows when you're in Neutral

- Arduino gets reprogrammed as follows
- By default it echos VSS to the ECM
- When you put into neutral and tap the brake (or brake switch) it starts spamming ECM with the 1mph square wave instead of whatever the VSS is actually saying
- When you go to any gear (out of neutral) it sends the normal VSS signal back to ECM

So now, we eliminate a dedicated switch to EFAS. Instead, all you do is put it in neutral and press the brake. What do you guys think about this?

I don't know how to tell the arduino that the car is in neutral, I'll have to figure that out. I bet there's a circuit somewhere that tells this to the ECM.

Problem 2:
Can the arduino reliably mimic the VSS signal? I could probably figure this out by comparing ScanGauge speed with speedometer speed.
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