It only takes less than a second of reverse polarity to melt the tip off the tungsten electrode and burn the copper collet in contact with the tungsten electrode.
I have a stator that I can chop up now.

(the old dirty burnt looking one out of the 2 shown)
Just need to figure out what size magnet wire it is and order some along with the little buffers that go between the copper wire and the steel shell.
But there is a problem. I was assuming these were 6 pole alternators. I am getting 840Hz at full speed. Which means its a 12 pole.
I don't even know if 800+Hz will even work for welding aluminum, because that is double the frequency normally used.
So I need to find out if roughly double the frequency I was expecting will even work or figure out way to convert from 12 pole down to 6 pole.
I know there are 3 phase industrial motors out there that can have their number of poles halved when you wire them in. So you can keep one kind of spare motor on hand and use it for both 2 pole and 4 pole applications.
So it can be done.