Originally Posted by forums123
This problem seems inconclusive as to what is the best solution. I read through 14 pages of posts on this thread and did not find a clear answer. Is this a dead subject, or did the conversation move to another thread somewhere? I was hoping that with all the R&D being posted here it was developing towards a solid engineered solution but then thread died without a clear answer.
Please advise. as my car is an 88 Honda CRX HF with Peak Hold Injectors.
I never found an answer to the problem on my MPguino/Jcar module. The MPGuino works nice, but only in a "sweetspot" speed (50-54 mph)

. When I accelerated higher the MPG just climbed along with the speed. I would see 16 Mpg at 70 mph. That speed usually gets 7 mpg, calculated. The Jcar pulses were a good square wave.
I looked through the code and didn't see any red flags, but I am not the best programmer either. It has to be in the code somewhere.
So I run the slow speed and watch the MPGuino and adjust the throttle as needed. I usually have to back off the throttle to get better economy.
Getting good mileage means that you must maximize momentum. Once up to optimum speed , do everything possible to keep your momentum, or gain some going down hill.
Even pulse and glide is a means of maintaining momentum. It does this by short bursts of fuel burn and then a form of coasting by slightly backing off the throttle. Your coasting offsets the fuel burn by a large factor.
So I think this thread is dead.
I have to write up my mods to my 26 ft Fleetwood Flair motor home sometime. Amazingly I have often 20 mpg twice and 15 mpg many times.
Kudos in reading all 14 pages.