I do park outside, everywhere I go.
I think I'm going to pass on the flex panels. It would have been almost $600 for those flex panels. It's a good deal but I'm not planning on needing the flex and I don't want to pay an extra $380 for a feature I may not use (even though I'll lose 80 watts

Home depot has the 100 watt panels on sale for 109 each, and they have a 25 year warranty. They weigh more than 3x more (12 vs. 40) but considering the van is already 4,000 lbs. I'm not worried.
The 18650 cells, do you mean salvaged like literally taken from batteries, or buy new ones? Would you be that confident in using the used ones?
If I used the laptop cells I would need a different charger because of the li-ion right?