Originally Posted by LittleBlackDuck
I agree with the lack of RoI for most modifications, but there are some that appear way too tenuous. HHO appears to be either way too immature for any real, solid facts to be available or just a crock, depending on how you interpret the sparse facts. Hydrogen as an adjuvant fuel may have some promise along the lines of running propane with diesel, but I seriously doubt that it will make quantum leaps in internal combustion efficiency. I also hope to be proven wrong...
The vehicle was a your basic carburetor equipped vehicle. It had a fuel system that is very limited. Much the same could be assumed about the ignition system. Their electrolysis generator was primitive and could use several improvements. Yet, they found a few percent gains in certain regimes of operation. This was all at the air/fuel balance of 14.7:1.
If HHO can help at stoichiometric mixes, imagine what it could do to extend the lean limits of combustion?