Originally Posted by freebeard
What is PIV?
As previously posted.
But for this test it looks a little different. The top of it has been painted in non-reflective matte black to accommodate laser lights that will sweep across the model in sheets. NASA and Boeing researchers will use those laser sheets combined with smoke in the technique known as particle imagery velocimetry or PIV. That will map the airflow over the model.
How do they get away with the related ground pressure interface issues when doing half models on the floor?
Nov. 30, 2012
Ultra High Bypass (UHB) Nacelle Semi Span
Also, by putting the model on it's side wouldn't that upset gravity's effect on air particles?
This configuration has to have an advantage, otherwise they would use the wall as I've seen done elsewhere.
I do see that they can rotate the model to change the angle of attack, maybe that's just where the turntable is?