Return the lithium cells. It does not make sense for this application, and they make it unnecessarily complicated.
Don't vent the lead acid, or put them in a sealed box with a small rubber tube going out the bottom out through pre existing grommet somewhere.
Billions of people have been fine living in closed quarters with lead acid batteries. I lived in my motorhome for 2 years with them under the couch. The only time it could realistically be an issue is if you connect an unregulated high power wall charger from the stone age.
The purpose of the solar charge controller is to regulate the battery voltage so it doesn't boil over and emit flammable gas. I am much more confident in a made in China controller than I am with a diy lithium back.
Put simply, the lead acid batteries are probably safer than the lithium batteries when it comes down to it.
The lead acid will be much cheaper, simpler, forgiving, and robust. Like 100% better in all those categories.
Lithium batteries are great for ebikes, electric cars, and portable electronics, but not optimal for this setup.
The only positive thing about the lithium batteries is that after you spend a ton of time and money and a little luck, they might last 2-4x longer. But thats best case scenario.