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Old 09-16-2016, 01:33 AM   #2835 (permalink)
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Michael's Electric Beetle - '71 Volkswagen Superbeetle 500000
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I got a new board made! I just want to mention that I have really appreciated having Astro's controller for testing. I"m going to solder him one of the new boards.

This one includes voltage monitoring, a 2nd temperature, and also a brake regen "throttle". And it's all 1206 and 1210 suface mount resistors and capacitors. No 0603 this time.

The board was specifically designed so that all the holes in the aluminum plate could fit in one drilling run of my mill (so I don't have to do any precise moving of the plate). Also, I'm going to try this capacitor: (or 2 or 3 of them)

It makes the copper sheets SUPER easy to make. YOu just do 2 pieces with a cross section like this:
][, and a little piece of nomex isolation material in the middle. LIke this:
Then, the ']' is B+, and the '[' is B-, and the top of the caps get bolted to the enclosure. Much easier access and assembly. And then the controller area is more like 8" x 11.5" (or maybe 11"). I would take a picture of a couple of the boards that are almost soldered, but my stupid apple phone is a daughter of debauchery, and needs to be flushed down the toilet. Whenever I take a picture and "email it to myself", it makes the whooshing sound, and sometimes weeks can go by before the picture shows up. haha. And it only lets me take like 13 pictures at a time, because it's always full, and you can't get a friggen SD card in it.
kits and boards
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The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to MPaulHolmes For This Useful Post:
Astro (09-19-2016), flores (09-18-2016), mrbigh (09-16-2016)