My point was why you see the professional cab companies using Prius. They do get incentives. Then that doesn't even count some private grants that are available for such projects.
Most Uber profit breakdowns don't even include the cost of depreciation and maintenance, only gas if that. Then what about insurance, inspections, and tags? They just assume you already are paying these costs, and Uber is a hobby, not a job. The Post Office estimates the total cost to have a rural letter carrier, supply, run, maintain, insure, and fuel their own car for use delivering mail to be about $.70/mile or $27 a day whichever is more. Some rural carriers make money on that (they get lucky and their 20 year old Ford van just keeps on chugging), some lose, on average it's a wash.
As an Uber driver you better be keeping track of all your real expenses so maybe you can at least shelter what you do make form the majority of income taxes.
Last edited by Hersbird; 09-18-2016 at 07:21 PM..