Hello from Japan!
I am not sure whether following has been discussed here in EcoModder, but...
Toyota had a strange experience that the air flow between a clay model and a real vehicle are very different.
Toyota found plastic parts and glass parts are positively charged by static electricity as vehicle goes in the air.
The positive charge disturbs an air flow on outer surface of a vehicle body.
Toyota Patent method is to improve the air flow by installing aluminium tape to discharge the positive static electricity.
The aluminium parts are already installed on some Toyota production vehicles and the Toyota genuine parts information can be found following page.
Some articles written in Japanese language...
アルミテープで走りの味が変わる!? トヨタが新技術を公表「みんなで試 て」 | レスポンス(Response.jp)
rcnuT[^[W[ivFg^́gIJgh`[jO (1/4) - ITmedia rWlXIC
Some of Japanese aero-enthusiast already tried to install the aluminium tapes and found positive results.
Please try this if you are an aero-enthusiast.