Free beard-utilizing the earth tubes is pretty simple when the house has a crawl space!! You just run the tube to the crawl space then drill 2" holes through the side into each bay!! I'm looking into ways to do slab on grade homes, I think I'd bury a a 275-500 gallon tank underground and run salt water throw some copper tubes running across the top of the wall?!?
Acparker- if I do earth tubes I'm planning on utilizing the dirt I dug out for making them!! Kind of like a rammed earth wall, but using 20% concrete for strength(and maybe some salt rock to inhibit roots growing through it?!?) that should drastically reduce the overall cost!! At my parents house we're needing to replace the plywood on the whole thing, so instead I'm planing on running some 2x2's up every 2' and cutting holes over the soffit toilet air through there!! I had a thermometer up there and it got to about 160 when it was 105 outside!!