Originally Posted by MPGee
OK... I discovered one source of noise intrusion when my car was backlit by the setting sun, parked in the garage. See attached photo. See that brightly lit hole? That's where one of the seat belt harnesses was bolted in. It goes clear through the bottom of the car... I'll need to plug that with something...
Foam ear plugs, just roll them up and put them in. A great seal and easily removable.
Have you installed a belly pan or anything in the rear wheel wells to seal them up as well? That should keep some noise out. What about installing a partition between the front and rear? That would help with things flying forward too.
It's popular to seal up all the access holes in the inner panels. I think that will help out with your noise now without adding too much weight. Aluminum flashing cut to size/shape, butyl rubber to seal it and some screws to keep it in place.