Well, the hurricane blew about as hard as a box fan in central Florida, so I ended up working outside around the house Friday since the office was closed. My daughter did send me a pic of a tree that blew over at her house though!
I haven't used a drop of gas since I started charging the Volt at night. My commute is exactly 38 miles, and I have made that drive with more miles showing left in reserve every day this week.
This morning I started out the drive with the gauge showing a 37 mile range. After driving the 19 miles to work, it still shows 27 miles of range. I'm getting used to feathering the gas pedal like I did in the Insight, using just enough power to maintain speed. I'd love to see if I could make it to work, back home and to work again but that would mean driving on gas the second day.
Ended up driving almost 45 miles on the charge today!
I have a question for any Volt owners here: Is there any kind of instrumentation on the Volt other than the green floating ball that tells the instant electric usage? I'd like to see feedback like I had in my Insight, which showed my instant mpgs as I drove. I think that would help me learn the car even quicker than I'm doing.