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Old 10-09-2016, 09:46 PM   #26 (permalink)
'07 Toyota Matrix - 36MPG
Join Date: Oct 2016
Location: Southern California
Posts: 28

Small Red - '07 Toyota Matrix
90 day: 37.49 mpg (US)
Thanks: 11
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Originally Posted by mcrews View Post
I laugh......
1. you should own a scangauge that would have the correct speedo.
2. I drove an Infiniti Q45S w taller tires for 170,000 miles and the speedo was off......who cares!!!!! I saved $1000 -$3000 in gas.
Beside, you have the SCANGAUGE which is accurate.
#1. OMG. I had to look into tire size & speedo, based on our discussions here..and I came across this post from you back in '09 asking about SGII adjustments... I HAD NO IDEA THE SGII had a speed adjustment option. That's friggin' awesome!! Did those Linear-Logic guys have us in mind when they designed the thing? Thx for the tip.

#2. It's not all about the Benjamins ($$$), for me. I think most of the population thinks what we do is nuts (at least, everyone who knows me and finds out about my hobby thinks I am). Most of them accuse me of doing this because I'm cheap. No. Although I am cheap , this MPG thing is a hobby. I've definitely long surpassed the point of diminishing returns.. I'm sure I could get more financial bang for the effort by focusing more time and energy on other parts of my life.. I enjoy this. And I also enjoy having a "consistent" medium (odometer) to measure my progress against.

Originally Posted by mcrews View Post
With your logic, then stip the car to bare metal to reduce weight and get better mpg due to light weight.
I'm guessing, mccrew, you've already heard of this Acura guy who stripped 793.2 pounds off of his TL.. lol. I'm not doing that.

Side note: Based on the rimsntires calculator, the circumference of my 195/60R15s is 2.745% shorter than stock. In order to get my Garmin to show 60 MPH, I have to be going about 63MPH on the built-in speedo. Now that I've learned of the SGII adjustment factor, I will just need to train myself not to look at the factory speedometer and instead at the SGII...
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mcrews (10-10-2016)