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Old 10-12-2016, 06:15 PM   #175 (permalink)
AKA - Jason
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Adventure Seeker - '04 Chevy Astro - Campervan
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Originally Posted by Hersbird View Post
Right and my Subaru is less then the spark CPM if I sold it today (similar to what happens with a lease) and if I drove it 10,000 miles/year, (which I don't.)
You sure about that? Can you get your Subaru under $0.16 per mile on my commute? A quick calculation puts gas alone at $0.11 per mile.

Originally Posted by Hersbird View Post
Want to save the fossel fuel think about why you put 10,000 miles on your car every year. With 2 drivers and 3 cars we don't put more then 8,000 miles total every year on all 3.
I know exactly why I put 10K miles on my car in a year. 52 weeks x 5 work days = 260 days. Minus 31 days off = 229 working days per year. I live 22 miles from work so that is 44 miles per day. 44x229=10,076 miles per year.

I could take public transport. A yearly transit pass is $1100. So I would save $650 per year. Driving to work takes 1.5 hours round trip and taking the train is 3 hours. So 1.5 x 229 = 343.5 hours (14 days / 2 weeks) extra time at work away from my family. So two weeks of time (which can never be replaced) in exchange for $650. No thanks.

Now you might say, move closer to work. My 1000 sq ft house cost $250K. If I move 10 mile closer that jumps to about $350. If I live next to work that house is $500K. There is another problem though. My wife also works. She is 7 miles from work, the other direction. So shortening my commute adds to hers.

Last edited by JSH; 10-13-2016 at 01:04 PM..
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