Hello! I'm sorry, I've been away in Oregon at work. We just got back yesterday. All that debugging code does is set the PWMs of all 6 outputs to a fixed value, so you can measure the voltage from gate to emitter on each of the 6 PWMs. You can even just use a volt meter. That way, if all 6 of them are somewhere between -8.2 and +15 (far away from -8.2 and far from +15), you know the PWM is working, and that the hardware is good to go. Actually, make sure there is no motor and no batteries hooked up during that test. Leave the 3 phase cables unconnected. Also, if you just have the standalone board with no IGBTs, to avoid a false desat fault, you will have to temporarily have C1 connected to E1 connected to C2 connected to E2 connected to C3 connected to E3. You will also have to have a throttle plugged in, as well as the 3 current sensors. Only then will the PWMs make it all the way to the output.