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Old 10-18-2016, 05:28 PM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Oct 2016
Location: Boise
Posts: 11
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Finally registered

Hello all,
My name is Jessie, I got into hypermiling after my lead foot and turbo started costing too much, thanks to my 1990 ford probe gt (turbo 4 cyl) I discovered an instant mpg gauge as well as average mpg gauge. eventually it became a game to me to see just how much mpg I could pull out of an all stock 1990 Probe GT. Much to my surprise my best city mpg is 42 and highway is 51. I get yelled at alot for my granny like take offs from lights and forever long accelerations around town, but I just keep watching that digital gauge go up numerically haha.

However, now that the Probe has spoiled me with a DRO (digital read out) style mpg gauge, I have grown quite accustom to it and really dislike my other cars for not having one. I have since discovered the MPGuino and been hooked ever since and am currently attempting to build one myself. (I am mechanically inclined not software inclined though) when reading codes I get lost very easily and feel like a caveman with a craftsman wrench!
I am so happy to be part of this community and finally registered instead of lurking around like I have been for about a year or so now.

all the best

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