Thread: 2006 Aveo build
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Old 10-18-2016, 06:36 PM   #53 (permalink)
Stock MPG 22city/32 hwy
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Originally Posted by BigBadSubaru View Post
You might see if you can find a set of stock wheels for a Mini Cooper (first gen) they're alloy and 15 or 16 inch depending on the wheel you get, and they're pretty light, popular in the tuner crowd. I had a set on my wife's old Corolla, saw a slight mpg increase using them vs the stock steels and hubcaps, you can usually get a set for $100 or so, call around tire shops, most will have at least one set in stock.
thanks for the tip. I'm running an after market wheel, bought pre any attempt to ecomod. Been looking at some other options so thanks for the mini coop tip. Hoping to go tall and thin, similar, yet drastically smaller, to a BMW I3. Saw one on the highway, never seen a wheel/tire set up like that before.
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