OK I've changed the code so there's no need for a separate debugging program. Now you just type
debug 1
and that turns on debug mode. To turn it off, you type
debug 0
Make sure no motor is attached when you do that. Then you can measure the voltages from each gate to source.
I tried to make a new github thing for it, and I can't friggen figure out how to add files to it. I don't know if they changed how it's done, but I don't know how now.
This code is tested with the Leaf motor and an induction motor. I hate github. there, I said it. haha.
edit: Well, I tried to make a new somethingOrOther, and that failed, but I was able to edit the other files in the existing "somethingOrOther", so now they have updated code.
Last edited by MPaulHolmes; 10-26-2016 at 02:50 AM..