hypothetical cb 125s build
While i am finishing up my current cb 125s restoration i have been wondering somethings for when i do my next one (hopefully i find other one for cheap). I cant help to wonder if i did some things if they would work while keeping it looking stock. Here are a couple of my ideas that can be stand alone or combined (some procey also)1. Going up to the highest sprocket combation possible (stock is 15f 35r. 2. Stator delete with 12v conversion. Stator delete to reduce draw on the engine and 12v conversion so its easier to use leds and batteries (lifepo4). 3. Reduce/trim the body weight down. 4. led for all lights (see number 2). This is where things get pricey and more hypathical: 5. Titanium connecting rod, reducing the engine resistamce to rev up and weight (reducing the bob weight also will reduce the crankshaft and counter shaft weight). 6. Titanium or hollow/sodium filled vavles along with titanium or reduced weight keepers and retainers, which will reduce the unspring valve weight. So i can then decrease the valve spring pressure, rocker arm weight, valvetrain friction. And pssibley able to drill the cam out a little since spring pressure went down. And lastly 7. Ceramic coat the combustion chamber vavle heads, and piston. Along with other coating (oil shedding etc). To help reduce heat transfer to the head and pistons since it is a air cooled machine. Combined with compreasion increase maybe. Obviously some are really pricey and would require machine shops and calculations but would be a nice 125 after it all.