Originally Posted by deejaaa
here's some info on the '16 model:
Model: 2016 Tesla Model S
MSRP: From $88,000
Horsepower: 417 hp
Range: 253 mi battery-only
Curb weight: 4,824 lbs
sounds like a lot of coin to just put a space camper on top of. thought about converting it to a station type back end? it wouldn't add much more weight, height, length. might be able to reverse the mod for resale.
Well, roof-mounted seems more reversible than what you're suggesting. I could always detach the camper and tow it behind the car on an ordinary utility trailer if my rooftop plan doesn't work out, but like I said there's advantages to parking/agility/registration by having it on top.
I don't want to do one of those station wagon / hightop conversions because it would feel like a car I extende and ripped the roof off of, as opposed to feeling like an actual tent/cabin. But the key advantage is that my vacuum panels can insulate heat and sound very well; it'd be sloppy to try to put them all over the car interior.
The Tesla is a lot of coin, but it also has 90 kilowatts of battery. That can handle climate control and run a laptop and other devices for weeks between charges. It's really well-suited for off-grid escapades.