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Old 11-06-2016, 05:59 PM   #38 (permalink)
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But wouldn't it still be less overall drag than one of those streamlined bodies you posted on account of how little frontal area it has? That's what I'm trying to figure out. If the enclosed streamliner still is more efficient then of course I'd head back in that direction.
Have you noticed that biplanes have fallen out of favor? That's because the wings in proximity interfere with each other. Their advantage was the shorter spans. A barrel shape has the problem whichever way you look at it. Back to basics: In addition to form drag you have skin drag. The barrel/culvert has twice the wetted area.

But wait, there's more.... Go back and look at the Average Drag Coeffiecient in the pictures in Permalink #32 and #35. 0.52 goes to 0.72 at 30°. In the environment an automobile operates in it's almost never 0°.

OTOH if you look at the 1.14Cd returned in #36 for the slick-top Tesla we're back to whether your Skylake i7 is up to it.

CPU Performance - POV-RAY / Linpack

For the last of our synthetic benchmarks we ran POV-Ray and Linpack. Both of these benchmarks are widely used in the scientific community and are usually very good at showing raw CPU performance.

Starting with POV-RAY we saw a very large 7.7% increase in performance compared to the i7 4790K. This is a significant increase in performance and is an indicator that ray tracing in general should be much better with the i7 6700K.

Linpack, however, is a bit of an aberration and to be honest we almost didn't include it because we believe there to be a problem currently between Linpack and Skylake-S. Simply put, we saw a 20% drop in performance with the i7-6700K. We are still investigating why the i7 6700K is giving such low performance (we should be seeing at least 205 GFLOPs, not 173 GFLOPs) but for now all we can say is that the i7 6700K is giving very low performance in Linpack.
So, 100 GigaFLOPs is 0.1 TeraFLOP. But notice the software must be matched to the processor architecture. It's an up-to-date platform though, Keep an eye open for CFD done in neural networks.

There's other issues, how to generate the Template in four easy steps, the longer pylons would work just as well under a half-body, etc. What is the actual design case? It sure is nice outside...
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