I'd listen to Frank Lee, not the nay-sayers. Look at the bubble top on the van in the top of this picture:
It would be a superior solution to your pylons. With a flat deck at the 'mid-line, you could put camper jacks in the fillets over the daylight opening.
You'd need to think about ingress/egress. Maybe a rear bulkhead that makes a ramp that swings down over the decklid? Here's a picture I drew in 19-mumble-mumble:
It could be adapted to your situation.
It seems to match "the template" pretty well except I haven't figured out how to give it a flat bottom yet.
The Cd appears correct. Select everything below the mid-line
and then delete or collapse the architecture. Make sure the bottom is closed. and then reduce the vertical dimension (be it Y or be it Z) to maybe 10%. This is a pragmatic deviation from the theory — the approach and departure angles are accommodated, and champhering that sharp edge will 'bellmouth' the underbody.
On the motorhome pictures I posted I preserved 2 of the 6 courses of triangles and flatted the rest. The motorhome pictures are based on a 6-frequency octahedral shape defined with 8x19 or 162 vertexes. Your blimp model appears to have 36x24+2 or 866 vertexes.