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Old 11-07-2016, 04:50 PM   #4 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Apr 2014
Location: Portland, OR
Posts: 18

Clipper - '80 American Clipper 21' Rear Kitchen

Mercedes - '05 Mercedes Benz E320 Wagon, base
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Thanks for laughing with me guys, yes uphill battle is an apt analogy. Just thinking of driving this uphill over the coast range gives me goosebumps. We've delayed a maiden voyage twice now as I haven't been ready.

Last night I dug out a great article I found a few months back about trying to improve fuel economy on an 80's 4x4 dually Ford with a 460. They didn't touch aerodynamics, but did improve FE significantly with small, but measurable improvements. So I'm starting with that approach, find stuff that's measurable and make small improvements.

I also have other goals such as keeping the engine heat managable, making it handle better (no swaybars from the factory, ah the 70's), tightening the steering, etc.

And of course I know that driving it at 55 vs 65 will make the biggest difference. Thankfully for now with a 3 speed, unlocked transmission she's probably pulling 3000 RPM at freeway speeds. That's loud when the big block is sitting next to you. Putting in the overdrive trans will be more for livibility than actual cost savings.

We also did the calculation of car/hotel, vs truck/trailer (we had a 2004 Tahoe and 66 Streamline trailer previously that averaged 12 MPG towing, not bad), vs an old RV vs. a newer RV. We decided the $10k we saved going with the cool, old RV bought a lot of gas, as well as lots of room for upgrades. Plus we don't have as much money sitting in the driveway depreciating.

elhigh, I think most people just look at 1 MPG as 1 MPG. But for me it's all about the relative increase. While I probably won't notice the difference between 25 or 26 MPG in our Benz, going from 7 to 8 in the RV would be over a 10% difference, possibly up to $10 off a typical $100 fillup.

It's a 50 gallon tank, most gas stations cut you off at $75. Fun.

Anyway thanks for laughing along.
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