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Old 11-09-2016, 11:25 AM   #10 (permalink)
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Interesting idea Old Tele man. I do want to keep the design as close to 100% 3d printable as possible. I don't think friction will be an issue. The blades are very light weight, and all the joints are designed with a bit of play in them. Those power door lock actuators also have quite a bit of oomph. I do like the idea about increasing the pin diameter to strengthen it. I had considered it, but I'd like to try it out as is first. If I increase the pin diameter it'll make the blades slightly unbalanced due to how they have to be printed on the machine.

Another great thing about this multi-piece design is if I do need to increase the pin diameter or make any other changes, I just reprint those end pieces, unsnap old pieces, and snap the new pieces together and bingo done. No rebuilding the entire grill block.
Current project: A better alternator delete
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