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Old 11-22-2016, 10:18 AM   #146 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Hersbird View Post
That is actually false. Because of the loss of so much zero emission nuclear energy and hydro electric, it has actually gotten dirtier. Which is one reason I think the climate change crowd is more worried about politics then climate change.
We like to lump "environmentalists", people who conserve energy and climate change folks into one big old bucket but there is no real red versus blue except in the imaginations of our people. Liberals as we seem to strangely call conservationists among others are far more diverse than typical red folks. (Democrats greatest weakness)
Look at all the arguments here? No matter how much of a republican you think you are, if you participate in this forum, you would be considered extremely liberal by the average Joe. Saving energy is considered communist by my uncle)

In Wisconsin which historically was nearly 50% hydro, we have had a sometimes non sensical drive (which oddly enough has been strongly supported by the utilities) to disable hydro power as much as possible.
Many times the utility says the dam is too expensive???
The DNR then also supports removal of hydro power but in half of cases leaves the dam intact just without generators. (Seems to miss the point)

Many of the DNR rangers I know are Trump all the way people.
They consider themselves conservationists in so far as it directly affects the hunt or their favorite plot of land and not much further, climate change many times in their mind is a different story for them than me.

I consider myself a common sense environmentalist but I fully support limited nuclear, oppose removal of nuclear, support nuclear development (like thorium) and hydro, I do like to see limited attempts within reason to add spillways for fish but oppose most dam removals (considering the dam usually stays intact anyway)

Hydro is still a lesser of two evils

So I guess what I am saying is some of what you are complaining about is done by people who are strongly republican or by people who are concerned with specific elements of the environment which they may feel have nothing to do with climate change.

Sometimes things done in the name of liberals are by very conservative groups to make more money
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Ecky (11-22-2016), Hersbird (11-22-2016), redpoint5 (11-22-2016)