Cheers from the electric motorcycle forum
I'm on a similar track as Erasmo, but haven't been able to coordinate well.
My DSR has a Parabellum windscreen with MRA spoiler, custom mount (tuned for slow airflow over the rider's body), and crude wheel covers.
I'm crossing fingers that the local fabricator I hired can finish up the Airtech dustbin DBL2 mount shortly. I use a kayaking/duffle bag to hold the auxiliary charger in the passenger seat and provide a bit of aerodynamic continuity between my back and the top case.
I use a high-powered AC charger instead of Erasmo's DC CHAdeMO charging kit. These things are temperamental right now, but reliable enough for technical adopters to achieve 400 miles per day while traveling. I hope to raise that figure or reduce the charging hours involved with aerodynamics.
The idea once the dustbin is on is to sculpt some aluminum-skeleton Coroplast around the rear luggage rack for a bit of a tail. Or something like that. I'm digging around intently between the Vetter/Hershner guides and others to piece something together to start with.
I've attached a recent photo.