Originally Posted by WyrTwister
Have you heard of the law of diminishing returns ?
More batteries , more weight . More weight , more electricity / energy is required to move it . More energy / electricity required , more batteries needed .
God bless
Yes and no.
Doubling the battery capacity (i.e. 48kWh instead of 24kWh) won't double the range, especially if I'm putting these on a trailer. But it will get me farther down the road regardless.
Another 24kWh is another 600lbs of batteries. That's not the same as adding another ton and a half car. Plus it's not so much about weight as it is aerodynamics. Some have added another Leaf battery in the trunk. That does reduce how many people can ride in the car and how much luggage you can take along, but doesn't affect aerodynamics. Putting the batteries on a trailer will affect the aerodynamics, but the trailer will be drafting the car. It will add more rolling resistance too, but it's still less than half a car's worth. So in the end, the car will still be able to go farther despite the added weight, aerodynamic drag and rolling resistance.
Right now I could drive from charging station, RV Park or friend's home to charging station, RV park or friend's home, but would have to take it very easy since according to the NissanConnect EV Route Planner I'd only make it with one bar left between some charging stops. A battery trailer would solve that. Although a more aerodynamic tail would also help. Maybe I could do both.