quote "
If you are only using the scooter for under 30mph then they are fine, once you get above that then you should look into a motorcycle. There are some really nice 250cc motorcycles out there. Scooters are not as safe as motorcycles for a lot of reasons, besides they're automatics, motorcycles by definition are manual."
They make scooters all the way up to 700cc that can do over 100 mph so don't rule out a scooter for over 30mph, my 80cc does 45mph. There are many manual scooters that use a clutch, or clutchless shifting, look into old vespas. They are just as safe as a motorcycle, if not safer for beginners because they do not have to worry about shifting on the auto ones. They also come with just about any option you can get on a motorcycle as well. Also not all motorcylces are manual, just look up the hondamatic, its a motorcycle with an auto tranny. Check your sources