Thread: Drum brake rub!
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Old 08-12-2008, 03:30 PM   #10 (permalink)
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oldscoob - '87 subaru wagon gl/dr
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on cars, drums are noisy. take note of the small cylinders and springs doing the could take them to noiseless, at expense of incomplete braking. I like the noise..its like solid tappets on old engines...if you hear them odds are they are working and adjusted well. also, to look at the deep dish of drums, the pads out to the drums with brakes not applied actually is a stabilizer for bearings and indicates warpage more precise than a guage. Small hubs are actually the faster reactors, like a performance gain, until alot of weight has to be stopped. Noise is null, ignore it. New pads old pads make big different noises, metal to metal is the pads at thier rivets.
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