Originally Posted by Daox
I copied the last few posts over from my build thread. They're more pertinent here than there.
I love the idea of the OBDuino. I guess never really followed the progress of that project, but as you said, the flexibility you'd have would be tremendous! I must admit, it is a bit beyond my current programming skill set too. Rise to the occasion? Perhaps. I'll have to look into it a bit further.
Glad you liked it. Coding won't be too hard. Look over the obduino code and there will be a main loop. I would stuff your bits in at the bottom. Look at which variables you want to use for the control then draw a pretty little state diagram of how things will go. What this will do is make you consider all the possible paths between the finite states. Once all this is done the coding is pretty simple. Your main states will be full open, full closed, opening, closing and stopped. Draw these on a large sheet of paper around the edges. Open at the top, closed at the bottom, opening on the left, closing on the right and stopped in the middle. Next, draw arrows that represent the transitions that will occur and then write next to them the condiitions that need to be fulfilled for it to happen.
Always remember the 7 Ps - Proper Prior Planning Prevents Pi$$ Poor Performance. Think ten times, draw it out a couple of times then cut the code once.
You can always scream for help and I will try to assist.