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Old 12-02-2016, 11:17 PM   #16 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
cRiPpLe_rOoStEr's Avatar
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Not sure if that would be so wise to fit the 1.0L Ecoboost into an old truck, even though it's lighter than a modern one.

Originally Posted by MJamson View Post
There are numerous examples of having where having a bigger engine and paying more tax yeilds fuel savings and overall lower costs.
The same goes here in Brazil. A lot of cars, SUVs, and even some pickup trucks, end up getting clearly underpowered engines in the local market while their export counterparts bounded to Argentina get engines more suitable to their weight. Sure, backing those bigger-displacement engines with taller gearing to allow lower revving at cruise is the most noticeable advantage.
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